
Just a note – somehow I created this blog in error. My real one is actually www.goodgravey.wordpress.com.  Come over and have a look.

This is a blog inspired by many people – starting with the first two Blog Idle winners on stuff.co.nz, but more so by some amazing, wonderful and just downright incredible feminist bloggers I have had the absolute honour of interacting with.

So the time came to do my own thing.

After getting involved in the feminist blogging world, I decided that I cannot, in good conscience, take part without being open about who I am, so here goes.

My name is David Grice, but I am also known as Gravey Dice or just Gravey.  I live and work in New Zealand, and love it.  I am married to a wonderful, gorgeous woman who is absolutely everything to me.

This blog is going to be just about random thoughts, but will tend to lean heavily towards feminism and the marginalisation of large groups of society.  Sometimes, I will just focus on current events.  Generally, just whatever the hell I like because, after all, it is my blog.  You want something different, go blog yourself.

And that is about all you get for now.

1 Response to About

  1. Polly says:

    David, lovely to meet you on Saturday. Let me know how you’re tracking with your NZ Male Feminist Collective and if you want a hand from me at any stage. It’s long overdue!
    Thanks for your support at Slutwalk, meant a lot to see you there 🙂

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